When you go into the hospital to have your baby, you rarely envision that something could go wrong or that there may be serious complications with the baby or with you that are out of your control when giving birth.

Birth trauma is defined as an incident that occurs at birth where the Mom or baby’s safety is in danger. Often times, medical interventions are necessary in order to keep mom and baby’s life safe.

Many moms who experience birth trauma report that it can be very scary and can produce long lasting symptoms of fear, panic, anxiety and sadness. Some moms go on to develop more severe responses to the trauma such as Postpartum Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Processing the trauma and learning new ways to manage your symptoms can help you start to feel better.

If you have suffered a traumatic birth, seeking therapy can help ease your intense emotions around the birth of your baby and enable you to move forward and enjoy your new baby.